Ladies of Charity knoxville
Client stories
"Place full of volunteer people who is dedicated to help us to find comfort while we are feeling hardship. I have always known who to come to when I need a light of hope. I feel love and each one does a terrific job. Each one treat us with love and are very compassionate. We pray for places like this to always have support from organizations to continue to have us feel bless."
"The food helped me survive the cold. Thank you Ladies of Charity."
"I'm taking this class because it's important to learn English because I need it in my day to day life. When I don't understand what people say to me in English. I like the class and that there are lots of people helping me to learn and understand."
"There isn't room on a dozen pages to tell you all the ways that Ladies of Charity has helped me. I am a disabled widow, I first was introduced to L of C when I lost my home after my husband's death. They helped me with food and clothing and a used wheelchair. Even things like toilet paper. Over the last 5 years I have gotten back on my feet and now have a home of my own, but Ladies of Charity has been there during the hard times to bridge the gap. WHen my eyeglasses Rx changed I was worried I would never be able to afford new glasses, Ladies of Charity hosted the Remote Area Medical Clinic and the Lions Club for a glasses Clinic and I got a great pair of glasses. Today I have brought a young woman who is having her first baby She has no job and her husband is disabled. While she is meeting with the social workers, I am doing my Christmas Shopping. I only had $20.00 for everyone on my list and I found greaet gifts and have $3.00 left. I love Ladies of Charity and so does everyone I know. We all have stories like this."
"I get mostly clothing here and it helps me to look good for my work. Thank you."
"I don't know what my wife and I would have done without the help from the Ladies of Charity. So thank you very much."
"LOC has been very instrumental with keeping costs low enough for us to make purchases for refugees especially when they come to our area and are in need of clothing and household items. How blessed they are that we can help set them up in America."
"I've seen so many hungry people leave here with food and hope."
"This store has been a Godsend for me and several of the shut-ins I visit. I look for fabric to make pillowcases for Children's Hospital. I am on a limited income so the choices of and the prices are phenomenal! I shop here several times a month! Thanks for supporting this fine charity!"
" I work for a non-profit agency that has been able to refer clients in need to LOC. LOC is a great resource for clients who need more services than we could offer ourselves."
"Ladies of Charity has been a blessing to my family. By assisting with donations and picking up donated items. They have been helpful with serving the community with individual needs. So grateful for their services."
"This is a wonderful place to shop and the employees are great. Most of my clothes I purchased here. I have had to have help with food several times and they never make you uncomfortable. I always recommend the Ladies of Charity to everyone."
"Being off work for chemo has cut my income in half. LOC is helping to keep the clothes on my family's backs."
"We love Ladies of Charity! People gain joy just by coming in here. They tell us all the time. Volunteers work very hard. Even the hard workers love it!"
"I have furnished my apartment; furniture, kitchen supplies, linens, clothes here. If I didn't have Ladies of Charity to shop at I would not have anything."